Nutritionist & Nutrigenomic Consultant

Female hormonal health
Flawless media role models, family pressures, an inadequate diet and a stressful work environment all reflect on womens' health.
Correct advice on how to regulate female hormone through dietary and lifestyle strategies can help you to a more balanced and fulfilled life.
Cristina will give you valuable tips on how to use an optimal diet & nutritional supplements to manage pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular and painful periods, PCOS, oestrogen imbalance, menopausal symptoms, skin complaints and fatigue.
Balancing the ratio & type of carbohydrates, fats and protein and introducing specific 'functional foods' will balance hormones in a natural way.
By modulating the microbiome and improving digestion gut bacteria will metabolise oestrogen more effectively with a positive impact on your hormones.
Cristina will also advise on how to avoid environmental hormone disruptors that can even affect fertility.
Ultimately, improved lifestyle habits will reward you with a glowing skin, shiny hair and a healthy look!

Pregnancy & Infertility
Fulfilling specific nutritional requirements before and during pregnancy is crucial for maternal health but also for optimal foetal development and birth outcome.
More and more women are experiencing infertility issues associated with hormonal imbalances, endocrine disruptors or impaired sex hormone detoxification which can be addressed via dietary and supplemental strategies.
DNA optimisation strategies as well as methylation support are also part of pre-conception care, particularly with regards to eggs and sperm.
Here, exploring your genetic predispositions may help to target a nutrigenomics support. You can receive advice on DNA testing important for MTHFR variants.
Once that long desired baby it's on its way Cristina can give you all the right tools for a trouble-free pregnancy in regards to weight gain and on the nutritional management of morning sickness, cravings, cramps and tiredness. Cristina can give you personalised advice on how to improve important nutrients like folate, magnesium and omega-3 intake as well as on how to limit allergic sensitation of the unborn child.

Weight Management
Science shows that losing weight improves general health. However, strict dietary regimes and trendy fad diets may result in frustration as they often only yield short-term results which may even be harmful.
In fact, leading research studies show that escaping the diet trap is only possible through a sustainable change of daily habits.
After a thorough assessment which may involve testing the thyroid & glucose metabolism Cristina can design an individual programme to help you achieve successful and long-lasting weight loss through highly individualised nutrition and lifestyle changes that are mutually agreed and tailored to your lifestyle.
Regular coaching will promote a positive change of eating habits and keep the focus on your goal.
If desired, the changes can also be based on nutrigenomic testing to establish how specific genetic traits may impact on your weight.
A better body composition, bone density and muscle mass are also achieved through realistic and easily sustainable changes.

Digestive Health
A healthy digestion is the first pillar of health.
Dysbiosis, leaky gut, Candida and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) are common in the Western world affecting our overall health.
Identifying these issues through functional testing and addressing them is always Cristina's first line of intervention as gut health affects all body systems.
Enzyme and stomach acid deficiency or an altered intestinal mucosal barrier function may often cause intolerance to natural substances in foods or to chemical additives.
This can lead to chronic inflammatory conditions, bloating, migraine, eczema and fatigue.
By eliminating allergenic and processed foods for some time it may be possible to re-adjust the metabolism.
An individually prescribed integration with enzymes, mucosa-healing and anti-inflammatory compounds can re-establish digestive integrity optimising nutrient absorption, detoxification, immune function and energy levels.

Neurological Health
Anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and sleep issues may all be linked with imbalances determined by stress, an inadequate diet & lifestyle.
Specific genetic variants identified through DNA testing such as COMT, MAOA, MAOB and GAD will also affect the clearance speed of neurotransmitter leading to an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory function.
Cristina may help to rebalance neurotransmitter metabolism of serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, glutamate, GABA, etc with the right diet, supplements (e.g. amino acids and cofactors) and lifestyle recommendations.
Any personalised programme will include optimising synthesis of neurotransmitters, cell receptor function, transmission and breakdown of neurotransmitters.
The individual inflammatory response is also considered in view of its impact on neurological health.
If desired, genetic and functional testing to assess your predisposition or your actual levels of neurotransmitters and metabolic markers linked to methylation may also provide a reliable foundation for an individualised approach.

Healthy Aging
Thanks to modern medicine we now all live longer but our real challenge is achieving a longer youth span enabling us to lead a balanced and fulfilled life.
While we cannot reverse the natural ageing process Cristina can help you to slow it down by reducing systemic inflammation, balancing your immune system and supporting natural detoxification.
She can also advise you on the right screening to identify any asymptomatic condition or imbalance which may affect long-term health. This can include tests that may not routinely be carried out by your doctor.
With increasing life expectancy it is paramount to prevent disease and to slow the degenerative process.
We can achieve this with a healthy-aging strategy which considers your environment and lifestyle as well as genetic predisposition, if desired.
Cristina can assist you in boosting anti-oxidants, nutrient absorption and hormonal status.
Specific genetic testing may further assist in devising nutrigenomics strategies that can help to prolong life- and youth-span.