Nutritionist & Nutrigenomic Consultant

This is me

A lifelong-passion for food & nutrition
As an Italian I grew up with a love for food.
Food always played an important role in my family life and sharing my passion became a mission when I moved to London.
So, after becoming a professional chef with teaching qualifications I worked at colleges and schools to inspire adults and kids to prepare colourful & healthy food full of flavour.
As time went by, I became fascinated by the biochemical and physiological impact of foods on our body and decided to complete a BSc degree in Nutritional Medicine.
Further on, while building my experience in designing nutritional programmes for different requirements I also started my exciting adventure in Nutrigenomics - the way to a truly personalised nutrition!
Inspired by American pioneer Dr Ben Lynch and British expert Ann Pemberton of Genesnippers UK, I built up an extensive experience as a Nutrigenomic Consultant at international level.
Moreover, living in Asia for a few years taught me a holistic medicine model focused on the individual as a whole. ​
These experiences all feed into a highly personalised nutrition approach that puts the patient into the driving seat!

As a member of BANT and CNCH I am committed to evidence-based practice in line with the most advanced research in nutrition science.